Hello and welcome to our very first blog post! Here, you will able to read all about our exciting cases, see awesome photos and get regular updates on important information!
I feel that it is very important for our very first blog post that we properly introduce you to a very special staff member, Maxine, our clinic cat
She first came to us mid 2016 as a stray cat. We spent weeks trying to find her a new home but because she loved us too much, she has stayed on with us.
Her day usually consists of greeting us at the front door in the morning before proceeding to beg for her breakfast. Then follows several hours of napping, with the occasional play of ping pong or greeting all you wonderful clients out the front before more napping. It's clearly exhausting work as a clinic cat. She keeps all her human colleagues highly entertained with her amusing antics!
She may not like getting dressed but she looks adorable in costumes.
I hope you have all enjoyed reading our first post and make sure to check out the rest of our website! We will be writing about a range of subjects including some interesting cases.